How it Works
How it Works
Be a Member
Enter your corporate details and user details to become a member of by just clicking "Register" button appeared in the main menu. You are entitled to assign two users for a single subscription.
Select your interested business categories that you wish to receive tender alerts on. All tenders are categorized in to listed categories. Registered users can subscribe to any number of categories. However all tenders can be viewed by registered members as the wish.
If you are searching for tender information, you can just browse and be able to search for tender notices easily. We will send you tender notices and newsletters via an email on the day they are published. You can specify to receive only contract opportunities/tender notices within certain business fields that you prefer. So that you can avoid receiving unwanted tender invitations and newsletters.
Once you have registered and activated, you will receive a confirmation email from Thereafter you will receive tender alerts daily and you can use your account to search tender notices, download and engage in all the other transactions.
All members are required to register for a paid annual subscription package to view full tender details.