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Upload Your Tenders
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Every day our growing and the developing country must be entitled to unlimited business opportunities in every Government Departments, Organizations and any other Institutions. For this reason, access to our web site has been opened to share information, accessing and sharing the most comprehensive Tenders and Procurement Information from all sectors across Sri Lanka. An updated platform that constantly improves access to people from every level.
The information is comprehensive with tender basic information, tender to publish date, closing date, and tender contact information. Tender Notices would be available on the website until the closing date of the tender. Tender Notices can be published in all 03 languages, English, Sinhala, and Tamil. Under this portal, you can Publish Tender Notices, Tender Documents, and Tender Results. Those sources include Invitation of Proposal, Expression of Interest, Quotation, Request for Proposal (RFP) including Registration of Suppliers can be published.
If you have any Tender Notices, which need to be published on tendernotices.lk, you can email us directly to tenders@tendernotices.lk in PDF, JPG, PNG, Word (Doc, Docx) formats.
We would be more than happy to assist you in case you seek our help in publishing this information on a regular basis. For the same please write to us at tenders@tendernotices.lk or contact us (+94) 770 720820 (Marlon) for any assistance. All information treated as confidentially.